Text: Ramena Birri and Orion Ramos
Probably a lot of you still remember our cute little shop in the old town of Corralejo. This is where we started our brand Pulaumi with a lot of passion and a strong community behind it. But after closing it down heavyhearted two years ago, the brand was reduced to wholesale and our online shop. This was a tough time for Pulaumi, since we clearly missed the direct contact with our clients and friends.
Luckily a new opportunity came along when our friends Erika and her partner Julien, the man behind Sicre Surfboards, proposed us to share space in a new shop.
So Sicre Store was born!

We opened the shop in the lovely old fishermen town el Cotillo in the north-west of Fuerteventura. Cotillo has a growing scene of local brands, artists and good restaurants. Also, it is surrounded by various surf spots and beautiful beaches. That’s why we felt that Cotillo was the perfect choice for us.

Setting up our new shop was very exciting and there was a good harmony among us. During the construction process we all incorporated our ideas and styles and since Julien is an incredible craftsman, he made most of the furniture in the shop himself and the craft of surfboard design clearly shows in his creations.
In the end, we managed to present you a surf shop the way we think it should be:
With a lot of local handmade products that share our vision of an environmental friendly production, independent brands that produce in Europe and only a few handpicked international brands.
These are some products we offer:
• Hand shaped Sicre Surfboards
• A selection of beautiful, hand shaped Sicre Surfboards and you can also order your custom board directly with us. The shaper Julien is personally working in the shop during some afternoons. So come by and talk with him about your ideas.
• Pulaumi
• Our new collections which are ethically made on the Canary Islands, our print collections (always with water based ink) with our unique illustrations on organic cotton clothes or accessories and some handmade pieces.
• Different sustainable and ethically produced products which are made in Europe like :
• Bikinis by Aenha Official (made in Italy) and surf proved bikinis by OY Surf Apparel (made in Portugal), shoes by Dolfie Paradise (made in Spain & Portugal) and soaps and natural cosmetics by WaiWai (made in Spain)
• Products from local artisans
• Natural cosmetics by Mizu Natura, recycled skate accessories by Lowely Cruisers and illustrations by Ando Galdeano and Ila Loves Mowgli
• …just to name a few.

Now it’s more than a year since we opened our doors in Cotillo, and we are very grateful to share this beautiful space with extraordinary people. If you are in Cotillo, come by and say hi. We would love to welcome you in our shop very soon.
In our next post we will give you some insight about Sicre Surfboards, and we will talk with Julien about surfboard design and other stuff.
Stay tuned.